Life, Death and The Battlefield

Evans Okoro
1 min readJun 30, 2019

Death’s arrival is usually unwanted and unexpected,

When it knocks, everybody cringes.

It takes it’s own, and leaves many hearts in stitches

Like a delivery man on duty; taking souls from Earth and bringing in new ones tirelessly

One body gets deactivated and another gets activated.

Like a rental, more bodies are given the lease to stay on Earth, For a while.

The soul is like the battery for the Body

When it’s taken off, the whole system goes off

Like a battlefield, we are all given orders by our commander

We face challenges that test our credibility,

Some fight till the end and are honoured afterwards,

Some surrender and become slaves to the otherside, becoming a disgrace to the commander.

…and of course, we’re all here with a cause.

With individual duties and capabilities imbibed in us,

To make things easier for our comrades

To have in mind that If things go wrong, we have eachother and a commander to make things better.

